)*(Stazione Celeste)




Ronna Herman č internazionalmente conosciuta come canale dell'Arcangelo Michele. Ci porta i messaggi dell'Arcangelo Michele pieni di speranza e ispirazione per migliaia di persone ogni anno.Donna d'affari in pensione e mediatrice di beni immobili Ronna fornisce un approccio sensato alla metafisica.Insegna quello che conosce , essendosi confrontata con molte delle stesse lezioni che gli altri affrontano nel loro viaggio verso l'unita'.La ricerca spirituale di Ronna e' iniziata nei primi anni 70 , e dopo intensi studi ed eserciatzioni , inizia una seconda cariera come insegnante e consigliere spirituale .Ha superato molti ostacoli lungo la strada:Perdite personali di ogni genere , malattie, dubbi e paura.Queste esperienze negative e tempranti , hanno dato agli insegnamenti di Ronna una forte dose di realismo e credbilita'.Ronna e' un modello positivo per le donne , a causa delle sue forti e tuttavia calde e consolidate qualita'.Gli uomini e le donne risuonano egualmente col suo lavoro , per quanto profondamente innalza le loro vite.Essi sono ispirati ad avanzare verso la luce per l'Esempio di come Ronna ami essere al servizio degli altri , e dai messaggi che derivano da lei.Coloro che hanno partecipato ai suoi seminari ricevono preziosi stumenti per muoversi verso il prossimo livello della loro crescita spirituale.Ronna presenta potenti seminari attraverso gli stati uniti e il mondo , toccando i cuori della gente e connettendoli colla loro stessa anima.Nel suo primo libro ,On Wings of Light (sulle ali di luce) , Ronna condivide messaggi ispirati dall'aracangelo Michele.A seguito di un geande successo Ronnna ha scritto una trilogia di sei storie che lei chiama metafiction .Presentate ora in forma di manoscritto, le storie in 'Once Upon a New World' (C'era una volta un mondo nuovo'), sono basate in parte su fugaci visioni e rimembranze di alcune delle incarnazioni passate di Ronna e alcune delle sue esperienze nell'attuale vita.Gli ultimi libri di Ronna includono , The Golden Promise (la promessa dorata) , Your Sacred Quest (la tua sacra ricerca),e Scripting your Destiny(scrivere il copione del tuo destino).Ronna e' apparsa in numerosi show televisivi e radiofonici,inclusi i CBS Mourning news , a Honolulu , e in national tv show,Bridging Heaven & Earth (vedi i link con la descrizione e le immagini e anche quelli indicanti i claendari dei seminari per sapere dove si trovera' prossimamente).I messaggi dell'arcangelo Michele attraverso Ronna sono apparsi in centinaia di publicazioni spirituali e new age nel mondo , e tradotti nella maggioranza delle lingue.I messaggi canalizzati da Ronna sono il punto culminante di molti siti spirituali come Spirit of Ma'

Ronna Herman is internationally known as a messenger for Archangel Michael.  His messages of hope and inspiration through Ronna have been featured in hundreds of New Age, inspirational and spiritual publications around the world, and they have been translated into most major languages.

Ronna’s extensive corporate background helped prepare her for her second career as an inspirational teacher, lecturer and author.  She teaches a common sense approach to the basic principles of spirituality: respect yourself and others; treat others as you wish to be treated; practice visualization, focused thought, energized emotion, and right action to create joy, peace and an abundant life.  Thousands of people testify that her books and seminars have changed their lives for the better.

Ronna's spiritual search began in the early 70s, and after much intense study and training, she began a second career as a spiritual teacher and counselor. She overcame many obstacles along the way: personal losses of all kinds, illness, doubts and fear. These down-to-earth experiences and tempering give Ronna's teachings a dose of realness and believability.

Ronna is a positive role model for women because of her strong yet warm and nurturing qualities. Men and women alike resonate with her work because of how profoundly it uplifts and helps them to attain their life’s goals. They are inspired to move forward in the Light by Ronna's loving example of service, and by the messages that come through her.  Those who have attended her seminars and/or webinar classes receive valuable tools to assist them to move to the next level of their spiritual growth.

Ronna Herman has published five books of inspirational messages from Archangel Michael: ON WINGS OF LIGHT, THE GOLDEN PROMISE, YOUR SACRED QUEST, LET THERE BE LIGHT, and most recently, REVEALED COSMIC TRUTHS FOR ASCENDING HUMANITY.  She has also written two companion study manuals, SCRIPTING YOUR DESTINY, and a glossary of terms and expanded explanations of some of the more advanced concepts that AA Michael has given, REFERENCE & REVELATIONS * GLOSSARY AND ILLUSTRATIONS. Ronna’s latest book is entitled, TELEPATHIC COMMUNICATION * OPENING TO CHANNEL, which is also the title of her latest seminar series.

Ronna has also written a trilogy of six stories that she calls “metafiction”.  The stories in ONCE UPON A NEW WORLD are based on glimpses and remembrances of Ronna’s past lives as well as her current incarnational experiences.  These love/adventure stories entertain the reader while teaching how to live an abundant satisfying life by using the universal laws to create joy, love and peace.

Although she is now in her eighty-third journey around the sun, Ronna enjoys excellent health and vitality.  She works an average of six to eight hours a day, five or six days a week, in her home office. Ronna only travels occasionally these days; however she still sponsors several seminars each year.  Ronna is also Executive Director of her Quest For Mastery School, which focuses on assisting others to become proficient instructors of AA Michael’s wisdom teachings.  She is a living example of what she teaches: to integrate the subconscious, conscious and superconscious minds, to heal the physical, emotional and mental bodies, and to partner with Spirit to become a Self-master and a cocreator of love, abundance, peace and joy.

Ronna is founder of Star*Quest, a company she formed in 1994. She lives with her husband, Kent, a retired airline executive, in the high desert country outside Reno, Nevada. When not channeling, writing or teaching seminars, Ronna and Kent enjoy spending time with their combined families, and summer trips to the 123 acre family ranch in the mountains near Pyramid Lake, where they still enjoy riding their ATV’s on the scenic mountain trails.

Ronna regrets that she no longer has time to answer personal questions due to her busy schedule. Some time ago, Archangel Michael said she was to spread his messages to the masses instead of the few, and that is what she is endeavoring to do. However, you may still purchase a personal message from Archangel Michael for $50 with the purchase of one of her eligible books.